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Products: pc


Online shopping is actively developed in Ukraine, but is still a novelty for most Internet users. Therefore, many customers often have questions about warranty service and maintenance, as well as on the exchange or return of the equipment. These and other questions we will try to give a comprehensive answer in this section store.
 On all products sold in our store, the guarantee of 6 to 36 months, depending on the warranty of a manufacturer. Any warranty is the manufacturer's warranty card or warranty card company "IT Line."
Checking the contents, external damage and functionality of the product produced in the transmission to the buyer. Verify that the product and its complete configuration, the client signs off on the expenditure invoice to confirm that the buyer of a working technology in the complete set.
Our store sells only quality equipment of famous brands. We are interested in the technology that would be bought from us, to serve you and please you for years.
But sometimes technology breaks. If this happens, you should contact the nearest SC, specializing in the repair of equipment manufacturer is not working product.
If damage occurred during the warranty period and not beyond your reasons, failure is corrected for free. If the warranty has expired products, the repairs will be made for a fee.
Employees certified SC held annually certified by the manufacturer and are provided with branded components - repair of equipment is certified in SC ensures quality work products in the future.
Reaffirm the right of free warranty service is completed warranty card manufacturer or the warranty card "IT Line." In the warranty card must specify model and serial number of the goods, the warranty period and the date of the sale. Service center locations are shown in the warranty card manufacturers' websites.
1. Return or exchange a serviceable equipment (in accordance with the law of the RFP, section 9).
In accordance with the "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights" buyers of our store have the right to exchange or return an item to us within 14 days of purchase.
Exchange or return due only new product that has not been used and has no traces of use: scratches, scuffs, the software has not been modified, etc.
The complicated machinery shop has the right, in accordance with applicable laws require and service center that this technique was not used. Conclusion The issue certified SO if a client, without any payment, ie free.
And as should be saved:
• complete product;
• integrity of all the components of the package;
• labels and seals;
• factory markings;
• warranty card;
• Evidence of purchase (receipt of credit cash order and Invoice);
When you return or exchange the goods, the customer must submit their request in writing, in a statement to the seller (the data are present in the documents of purchase) with the reason return and wait for a response from the shop.
Original application must provide the store manager and receive a copy of the wet seal store, the date of the receipt of the consideration and the manager's name who has received it. In accordance with the law of the RFP to the statement given to 7 days.
In case of a positive decision on the application, you should provide vehicles with all documents to the warehouse store and in return the money or equipment to the exchange. If the answer is no, you will be in writing, state the reasons for the refusal.
1. Refund or exchange not serviceable equipment (in accordance with the law of the RFP, Section 8).
According to paragraph 3 of Article 8 of "The Rights of the consumer in case of acquisition of goods of inadequate quality": If, during the warranty period of equipment bought in the store is out of order due to the fault goods manufacturer / retailer (ie, the operating conditions were not violated) and can not be repaired at the service center - it will be exchanged for the same or refund.
To do this, please provide us with:
• complete product;
• warranty card;
• the sales receipt (petty cash receipts and expenditure bill);
• Finally, the service center with a note of sure that the product has a "significant deficiency" (ie can not be repaired or corrected the defect manifested for 3-dy for the warranty period)
When you return or exchange a working procedure is the same technology that intact. Ie need to start with the application.
Dear customers, consumer rights when buying any product regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the content of which encourage you to read = 1023-12.